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13825 Spanish of America (Synchronic Study) - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
La siguiente bibliografía se completará con otra que se irá mencionando a lo largo de cada uno de los temas:

ALEZA, Milagros y ENGUITA, José María (2001): El español de América: aproximación sincrónica, Valencia, Tirant lo blanch.
ALEZA, Milagros (1997): Una cultura sumergida. Aspectos lingüísticos de la narrativa de José María Arguedas. Valencia, Grup dˆEstudis Iberoamericans y Tirant lo blanch.
ALEZA, Milagros (2000): "Nuevos enfoques metodológicos en la práctica lexicográfica hispanoamericana diferencial actual". En Milagros Aleza y Ángel López (eds.): Estudios de filología, historia y cultura hispánicas. Valencia, Unive
The aim of this subject is the synchronous description of the American varieties of the Spanish language, in its different expressions: diaphasic, diatopic and diastratic varieties. It also includes the linguistic study of contemporary latin-american literary texts . The module consists of theoretical and practical credits. There will be practical classes to complete the theoretical classes, where the student will be able to listen to different American pronunciations, by means of films, reports, tapes, etc.
1. The Spanish of America and its location in the study of the Hispanic dialectology. Diferentiating factors between Spanish of Spain and Spanish of America. The concept of Atlantic Spanish. The Spanish language and the Hispanic dialectal regions. The Hispanic linguistic norm.
2. Studies on contemporary Spanish of America. Bibliographical comments. General essays and monographic studies. Regular publications.Congresses and symposia minutes. Publications on the coordinated study of the cultured norm in the different cities of Hispanic speech.
3. American modalities. General phonetic characteristics of the Spanish American languages. Phonetic peculiarities in different countries and regions. Spanish in contact with the Amerindian languages.
4. Morphosyntactic general characteristics of the Spanish American languages. morphosyntactic peculiarities in different areas and countries. American Spanish in co