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13822 Spanish and the Languages of the Hispanic World - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
C.Bibliografía básica:
ECHENIQUE ELIZONDO, M. T., y MARTÍNEZ ALCALDE, M. J., Diacronía y Gramática histórica de la lengua española, Valencia,. Tirant lo Blanc, 2000.
ECHENIQUE ELIZONDO, M. T., Estudios lingüísticos vasco-románicos, Madrid., Istmo, 1998.
GARCÍA MOUTON, P., Lenguas y dialectos de España, Madrid, Arco-Libros, 1994.
HOLTUS, G., METZELTIN, M., y SCMITT, Ch., Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik, Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1992 y sigs.
LAPESA, R., Historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Gredos, 1981, 9ª ed,.
LIPSKI, J., El español de América, Madrid, Cátedra, 1996.
MICHELENA, L., Sobre historia de la lengua vasca, San Sebastián, Seminario Julio de Urquijo, 1990.
Introductory Subjects:
1.The linguistic map of current Spain. Spanish in contact with other languages: overview. Juridical issues related to the linguistic situation of Spain.
2.Spanish in the hispanic world outside the peninsula. Spanish in contact with other languages: overview.

B.Origins and formation of the Hispanic world:
3.Ancient Hispania in the European proto-history. Non Indo-European Hispania. Indo-European Hispania.
4.Hispania in the romanic world. Formation of the Romania: peninsular romanic origins.
5. Submersed peninsular Romania. Linguistic confluence in the Pyrenean region. Basque-romanic linguistic contact in its origins.
6.The Basque language. History and process of linguistic normalization.
7.Languages and peninsular romanic varieties: convergence and differentiation processes
8.The Galician language. The Portuguese language. History and process of linguistic normalization process.
9.The language from Leon. The Asturian language. History and process of linguistic normalization.
10. The language from Aragon. The fablas. History and process of linguistic normalization.
11. The Catalan (and the aranés). The valencian language. History and process of linguistic normalization.
12. The Castilian language. The Spanish language. History and process of linguistic normalization.
13.Effects of the historical and social strata on the peninsu