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13808 Rhetorical Analysis of Hispanic Literary Texts - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
(Las obras que se incluyen se entienden como Bibliografía esencial selecta, o Bibliografía de referencia, no como lecturas obligatorias. El profesor proporcionará, cuando sea necesario, una Bibliografía específica para cada tema o para trabajos individuales.)

AGUIAR E SILVA, Victor Manuel de, Teoría de la literatura, Madrid, Gredos, 1972.
BAEHR, Rudolf, Manual de versificación española, Madrid, Gredos, 1970.
CURTIUS, E. R., Literatura europea y Edad Media latina , Madrid, FCE, 1976.
DE BRUYNE, Edgar, La Estética de la Edad Media, Madrid, Visor, 1988.
DUBOIS, J. y otros (Grupo "m"), Rhétorique générale, París, Larousse, 1970.
FARAL, E., Les Arts poétiques du XII et du XIII siècle (1923), Par&

OBJECTIVES: Approach and historical sketch, starting with the expressive and discursive instruments knowledge described in Ancient times as " Rhetoric ", of an entire arsenal of topics and technical procedures avalaible for the literary author. Evolution of the theoretical conception and practice of the artistic work in preceptive texts, evaluating their results in creation works. Consolidation of classical Antiquity Rhetorics and study of their projection until the modern mandatory and rhetorical practices. Practice of rhetorical analysis, especially in Spanish classical texts.


1. - introduction. Approach to literary work: rhetoric and poetic.
2. - what is art? Art as a technique. Arts, doctrine, disciplines, science and ability (Lausberg). Concept of Rhetoric from Ancient times.
3. - Speech topic (I). Classical oratorical or rhetorical genres: judicial, deliberative and demonstrative.
4. - Rhetorical arts (I). Ars poetriae: preceptive grammar or versification rhetoric. Text analysis.
5. - Rhetorical arts (II). Ars dictaminis: epistolary art. Letter components. Letter types. Text analysis
6. - Rhetorical arts (III). Ars praedicandi: Preaching art. Sermon parts and rhetorical components of omily speech. Intra and extra division. Text analysis
7. - Speech topic (II). [Division according to other approaches] The school method (scholastic) in its context: lectio, quaestio and disputatio. Controve