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13797 Theory of Literature - Five-year degree in Classical Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Language Theory and Communication Sciences
Lecturers in charge
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ABRAMS, M. H., El espejo y la lámpara: teoría romántica y tradición crítica, Barcelona, Seix Barral, 1975.
AGUIAR EL SILVA, V. M. Teoría de la literatura, Madrid, Gredos, 1972.
ARISTÓTELES, Poética, Edición trilingüe por Valentín García Yebra, Madrid, Gredos, 1974.
- Retórica, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Políticos, 1971.
ASENSI PÉREZ, Manuel, Historia de la teoría de la literatura (desde los inicios hasta el siglo XX), Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 1998.
- La teoría fragmentaria del círculo alemán de Jena: Friedrich Schlegel, Valencia, Amós Belinchón, 1992.
- Literatura y filosofía, Madrid, Síntesis, 1995.

1st Term (from the origins to XIX century)

Unit 1: General introduction to literary studies.

Unit 2: Greek-Latin poetic theories.

Unit 3: Poetic theories in Middle Ages.

Unit 4: Classicist cycle.
Unit 5: Literary theory of the XIX century: Romanticism, Positivism, Symbolism.

2nd Term (XX century up to the seventies)

Unit 6: From Russian formalism to Structuralism.

Unit 7: Aesthetics and New Criticism.

Unit 8: Semiotics and literary pragmatics.

Unit 9: Existentialism, Hermeneutics and reception Aesthetics.

Unit 10: Sociological and psychological theories.