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13773 Classical Arabic Literature - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
AIMS: Offer a panoramic view of the thoughts and trends of medieval Arabic literature (classical and popular) and its literary influence on western christianity (narrative, picaresque, mysticism, philosophy, translation), as well as elements of classical indo-european literature medieval Arabia. Within of this historical framework the, characterization of type and topics of principle authors and works in classic production will be studied a theoretical study selections of authors will also be studied. CONTENTS 1. the pre-Islamic poet as an archetype: their parallels in Greek mythology and their projection in contemporary Arab poetry. The prose of Ayyam al-æarab. 2. the literary fact around the Islam. The Alcorán. Fixation and chronology of the revealed text. The doctrine of the iæyaz and its consequences. The poets attitude towards the revelation. The prophetic tradition and its transmission. 3. birth of profane prose in the time of abasí. The ideological role and the translating work of Bayt al-h?ikma. The muætazili:, exponent of the Arab values towards the literary manifestations of nationalism among the Persian element. The Üuæubiyya in Al-Andalus. 4. elements of classic IndoEuropean literature in medieval Arabic of a popular nature. The fables of Luqman. The figure of Alexander the Great, Du-l-Qarnayn. The Kalila wa-Dimna. 5. the influences of classic Arab narrative on Western Christianity . . 6. the literature of voyages. The Rih?la, genesis and