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13757 Spanish Language - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Students must read specific texts stated in Bibliography in order to be able to pass the exam.
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Final examination - -
Alarcos Llorach, E. (1978): Estudios de gramática funcional del español. Madrid. Gredos.
Alarcos Llorach, E. (1994): Gramática de la lengua española. RAE. Madrid. Espasa-Calpe.
Alcina, J. y Blecua, J M. (1975): Gramática española. Barcelona. Ariel.
Marcos, F., Satorre, J. y Viejo, M. L. (1998): Gramática española. Madrid. Síntesis.
Real Academia Española (1973): Esbozo de una nueva gramática de la lengua española. Madrid. Espasa-Calpe.
Seco, M. (1994): Gramática esencial del español. Madrid. Espasa-Calpe.
Bosque, I. y Demonte, V. (2000): Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española. RAE. Madrid. Espasa-Calpe. 3 vols.
Gómez Torrego, L. (1997): Gramática didáctica del español. Madrid. SM.
The general objective is to describe basic Spanish grammar in its different disciplines; divided into two specific objectives that are:
A) To define and recognize linguistic analysis instruments and methods.
B) To understand basic characteristics of word classification in Spanish, as well as the issues they involve.

1. - MORPHOLOGY: definition and units. Morphology and phonology. Morphology and syntax. Morpheme, morpho and alomorpho. Morphemes lexicons and inflections. Types of morphemes: affixes, suffixes, interfixes, confixes
2. - WORDS. Approaches for their definition. Classes of words and parts of speech. Classification approaches. Form and grammatical function.
3. - The NOUN. Forms. : gender and number. Derivation and composition. Function. Significance.
4. - The ADJECTIVE. Forms. Flexion. Gradation. Apocopation. Position of the adjective. Derivation and composition. Function. Significance. The adjectival use.
5. - The DETERMINANT ARTICLE and the ARTICLE. Determinating concept. Actualization and determination. The article: grammatical statute. Paradigm of the article. The neutral form "lo". Function. Significance. Textual value of articles.
6. - The PRONOUN. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Definitions. Classification. Pronouns nouns, adjectives and adverbials. Paradigms. "Leísmo, laísmo and loísmo" and other anomalies in the use of pronouns. Personal treatment in Spanish. The American "vo