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13748 Introduction to Classical Greek Thought - Five-year degree in Classical Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Classical Languages
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
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Final examination - -
Bares, J. de D., "El azar y la necesidad en la Física de Aristóteles", en Ensayos sobre libertad y necesidad, J.E. Corbí & C.J. Moyá (eds.), Valencia 1977, págs. 13-26.
Dodds, E.R., Los griegos y lo irracional, (trad. del original inglés, Univ. California Press 1951), Madrid 1980.
Marrou, H.-I., Historia de la educación en la antigüedad, (trad. del original francés, París 61971), Madrid 1985.
El profesor irá indicando aquellas obras y artículos que el desarrollo de la materia vayan haciendo aconsejables.
The purpose of this subject is to introduce the student to Greek classic thought through its more representative texts, and in that way to endow him/her with the necessary instruments that facilitate a better understanding of the cultural scientific Greek manifestations fundamental of what is better known as ôWestern Culture.ö Course Program 1. - forms of thought and forms of coexistence. 1. 1. - the place of ethics, politics and religion in the Greek world. 1.2. - problems and solutions. Their position in conceptual units and their articulation in cosmogonic systems. 1.3. - the two main lines of the Greek thought. 1.4. - the aristocratic ideal and the democratic ideal in the process of configuration of the Greek political system. 2. - conflict on education. 3.1. - Sophistication as cultural phenomenon and its influence on the paideia. 3.2. - philosophy versus Rhetoric. The development of the module will be carried out in a such way that it is open to th students of any course and not only to the students of Classic Philology. The development of each one of the contents will go accompanied by reading and commentary of translated Greek authors chosen texts. One will work with translated texts having the text also in Greek to be able to see them the terms that sustain each one of the most important concepts that conform with Greek Classic Thought, since the diversity and complexity of the texts makes impossible any other type of methodolog