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13745 Introduction to Greek Literary Theory - Five-year degree in Classical Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Classical Languages
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
- Varios, Historia de la teoría literaria. I. La antigüedad grecolatina., ed. Gredos, Madrid, 1995.
- Viñas Piquer, D., Historia de la crítica literaria, ed. Ariel, Barcelona, 2002, pp. 29-87.
- Russell, D. A., Criticism in Antiquity, Londres, 1981.
- Atkins, J., Literary Criticism in Antiquity, Londres-Cambridge, 1952 (2ª ed.).

It is sought to introduce the student to the way of understanding the poetic phenomenon among the Ancient Greeks and the important Greek literary questions , from Homer until the Roman imperial era..


1. - the power of word and of its media. Oral and written.
2. - the authority of the Muses: theories of poetic inspiration.
3. - the value of poetry and the poet's function in the archaic world.
4. - the literary ideas of quibblers.
5. - the poetry like paideia and the poet as a teacher.
6. - Plato's contradictory ideas about the value of the literature.
7. - the literary generes of Plato.
8. - the mímesis concept and Aristotle's Poetic Ideas.
9. - the literary genres according to Aristotle.
10. - the literary theory in the Helenistic time