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13728 Greek Literary Genres: Poetry and Theatre - Five-year degree in Classical Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Classical Languages
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Dramatic poetry:

· David, E., Aristophanes and Athenian society of the early fourth century B. C., Leiden 1984.
· Gil Fernández, L. Aristófanes, Madrid 1996.
· Goldberg, S. M., The making of Menander s comedy, London 1980.
· Ireland, S. & Miller, N., Dyskolos, Samia and other plays: A companion to the Penguin traslation of the plays of Menander, Bristol 1992.
· Reckford, K. J., Aristophanes old-and-new comedy, University of North Carolina Press, Chapell Hill - London 1987.
· Thiercy, P., Aristophane et l ancienne comédie, Paris 1999.

Lyric poetry:

· Adrados, F. R., El mundo de la lírica griega antigua, Madrid 1981.
· Bowra, C. M., Greek Lyric Poetry. From Alcman to Simonides, Oxford 19672.
· Calame, Cl. (ed.), Rito e poesia corale in Grecia,Roma-Ba

Main targets: 1. 2. Introduction to the social and cultural frame where ancient as well as new comedy developed, and to the circumstances regarding the poetic works of the different authors. 3. Acquaintance with the ritual and social conditions in which were created the poems submitted to analysis, their performances and their literary commitments. 4. Introduction to the problems raised on the matter of classification of the different lyric genres. 5.