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13654 Career Counseling Principles - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Research Methodology, Educational Diagnosis and Assessment
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Lectures in the theoretical classes, combined with an active-participative methodology of student in seminars and discussion groups.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
AEOP (Comp.) (1997): La Orientación Educativa y la Intervención Psicopedagógica integradas en el curriculum. Valencia.
ÁLVAREZ, M. y BISQUERRA, R.(Coord.) (1996): Manual de Orientación y Tutoría. Barcelona, Praxis.
MARTÍNEZ GONZÁLEZ, Mª.C. (1998): Orientación Escolar. Madrid, Sanz y Torres.
REPETTO, E.; RUS, V. Y PUIG, J. (1994): Orientación Educativa e Intervención Psicopedagógica. Madrid, U.N.E.D.
SANTANA, L. (2003): Orientación Educativa e Intervención Psicopedagógica. Cambian los tiempos, cambian las responsabilidades profesionales. Madrid, Ed. Pirámide.
VÉLAZ DE MEDRANO URETA, C. (1998): Orientación e Intervención Psicopedagógica. Málaga, Aljibe.
Concept, principles and functions of Educational Orientation and psychopedagogical intervention. Deontological code in the career adviser relationship. Areas of career adviser intervention: teaching-learning processes; attention to diversity; career development; orientation for prevention and development. Patterns of psychopedagogical intervention: Counseling; Services; Consulting; Programs; Technological. Institutional development of guidance in Spain and in the Valencian C. Guidance and Attention to Diversity: measures of a general and specific character. Guidance and Tutorship: the Guidance Council. Developing personal skills of the careers adviser in the aid relationship: interviews and group dynamics. Main focus of advice. OBJECTIVES: To endow the students with the corresponding scientific knowledge, competence and attitudes so that, on concluding the subject, they can face the demands of Educational Orientation and Psychopedagogical Intervention effectively.