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13642 Pedagogy in Educational Processes - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education Theory
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Different teaching methods are used: Presentation work, group work and discussion, text commentary, practical and applied activities
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Alonso, C.M., Gallego, D.J. y Honey, P. (1995): Los estilos de aprendizaje. Procedimientos de diagnóstico y mejora. Bilbao: Mensajero.
Bernad, J.A. (1999): Estrategias de aprendizaje. Madrid: Bruño.
Gargallo, B. y Puig, J. (1997): Aprendiendo a aprender. Un programa de enseñanza de estrategias de aprendizaje en educación permanente de adultos, Revista Española de Pedagogía, 206, 113-136.
Gargallo, B. y Ruiz, M.A. (1994): Aprender a aprender. Dos procedimientos de enseñanza de estrategias de resolución de problemas matemáticos en 8º de EGB, Bordón, 46 (1), 19-34.
Gargallo, B. y Sáiz, P. (1996): Un programa de enseñanza de estrategias de aprendizaje en 6º de Primaria, Bordón, 49 (2), 145-154.
Gargallo, B. (2000): Procedimientos. Estrategias de aprendizaje. Su naturaleza,
OBJECTIVES 1. To conceptualize procedures and learning strategies properly 2. To know and to manage teaching methods and evaluation. 3. To analyze and to evaluate programs of educational intervention 4. To design programs of educational intervention 5. To develop cognitive abilities of information processing (search for materials, selection, critical analysis, etc.) and metacognitive abilities. 6. To adopt a critical and committed attitude in the face of educational problems CONTENTS 1. Educational contents. The educational procedures 2. Types of procedures. The selection and sequence of procedural contents 3. Teaching and evaluation of procedures 4. Learning strategies. Teaching and evaluation 5. Educational teaching program of learning strategies 6. Teacher training and psychopedagogic advice