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13632 Introduction to Pedagogical Diagnosis - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Research Methodology, Educational Diagnosis and Assessment
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Theoretical classes, lab practices and self-learning processes.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
BATANAZ, L. (1993), Investigación y diagnóstico en educación. Granada. Aljibe.
GARCIA RAMOS, J.M., (1989), Bases pedagógicas de la evaluación. Guia práctica para educadores. Madrid. Ed. Síntesis.
MAGANTO, J.M. (1996) Diagnóstico en Educación. Bilbao. Univ. Pais Vasco.
MARÍ, R. (2001) Diagnóstico Pedagógico. Barcelona. Ariel.
MARTINEZ GONZALEZ, R.A., (1993), Diagnóstico Pedagógico. Fundamentos teóricos. Servicio Publicaciones. Universidad Oviedo.
PARRA, J. (1996) Diagnóstico en Educación. Barcelona. PPU.
SUÁREZ, A. (1995) Dificultades en en Aprendizaje. Un modelo de diagnóstico e intervención. Madrid. Santillana.
To know the conceptual, methodological elements and historical evolution of Pedagogic Diagnosis. To know the most important current diagnostic models, and the resources for the critical analysis of these contributions to the educational environment. To know a pattern of Pedagogic Diagnostic, with its epistemological reflection, for use in all teaching-learning situations, as well as the added information that allows the students to be able to carry out a critical analysis of professional diagnostic activity. To familiarize the student, in a practical way, with the instruments of data registration and of more habitual measures in the professional environment of diagnosis.