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13631 Evaluation Tools and Techniques - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Research Methodology, Educational Diagnosis and Assessment
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Master lesson; directed discussion, individual and in group activities of application of the contents. Practices and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
-Anguera, M.T. (1985). Metodología de la observación en las ciencias humanas. Madrid. Cátedra.
-Blanchet, A., Guiglione, R., Massonnat, J. y Thognon, A. (1989). Técnicas de investigación en ciencicas sociales. Madrid. Narcea.
-Craig, J. y Metze, L.P. (1982). Métodos de la investigación psicológica.
-Fernández Ballesteros, R. y Carrobles, J. A.. (1981) Evaluación Conductual. Metodología y Aplicaciones. Madrid: Pirámide.
-Fernández Díaz, M.J. (1976). Instrumentos y técnicas de recogida de datos. En E. Repetto (Dir). Pedagogía Experimental. Madrid. UNED.
-López Feal, R. (1986). Construcción de instrumentos de medida en ciencias conductuales y sociales. Barcelona. Almanex.
-Martorell, M.C. Y González, R. (1997). Entrevista y Consejo Psicológico.
-Pérez Serrano, G.
With this subject it is sought the students to know the theoretical and practical components, as well as the problems implied in the construction and application of the instruments and assessment techniques. The work methodology will be basically: F Exposure of theoretical contents characteristic of the matter. F Realization of practical activities. To reach the objectives of the course they will be treated the following topics: Topic 1. Introduction. Topic 2. The QUESTIONNAIRE. Topic 3. The INTERVIEW. Topic 4. Other Instruments and Techniques