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13612 Philosophy of Education - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education Theory
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Different teaching and learning methods will be used such as presentation, group work, group discussion ans drawing up comments, conceptual maps and educational case studies
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
- Dewey, J. (1995), Democracia y educación, Madrid, Morata.
- Escámez, J.; Gil, R. (2001), La educación en la responsabilidad, Barcelona, Paidós.
- Escámez, J.; García, R.; Sales. (2002), Claves educativas para escuelas no conflictivas, Barcelona, Idea Books.
- Escamez, J.; Gil, R: (2002), La educación de la ciudadanía, Madrid, CCS-ICCE.
- Naval, C; Altarejos, F. (2000), Filosofía de la educación, Pamplona, Eunsa.
- Reboul, O. (1999), Los valores de la educación, Barcelona, Idea Books.
- Varios, (1998), Filosofía de la educación, hoy (temas), Madrid, Dykinson.
- Varios, (1997), Diccionario de filosofía de la educación, Madrid, Dykinson.
- Varios, (1993,1995), Pensadores de la educac
OBJECTIVES. 1. To analyze the characteristics of the philosophy of education as practical knowledge. 2. To philosophically examine the main epistemological, anthropological and theological contents of education. 3. To learn about the ideas of the main philosophers of current education 4. To acquire basic techniques of philosophical analysis in texts and questions on education. CONTENTS 1. Philosophy of education as a practical theory. 2. The subject of education. Philosophical perspective. 3. Educational relationship. 4. The aims of education. 5. Education for the citizenship. 6. Current trends of philosophical thought on education. PRACTICAL: 1. Analysis of the content of philosophical texts on education. 2. Analysis of educational situations and their relationship with the educational aims. 3. Design of pedagogic proposals for an appropriate educational relationship. 4. Reports and commented study of books