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13603 Curriculum Design, Development and Innovation - Five-year degree in Psychopedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Debates, documentaries and group discussion.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
ANGULO RASCO, J. FÉLIX (director), (2000), Teoría y desarrollo del currículum. Archidona (Málaga). Aljibe. GIMENO, J. (1988), El curriculum: una reflexión sobre la práctica. Madrid. Morata. GOODSON, I. (2000), El cambio en el currículum. Octaedro. Barcelona. HARDREAVES, A. (2003) Enseñar en la sociedad del conocimiento. Barcelona. Octaedro. POPKEWITZ, T. Sociología política de las reformas educativas. Madrid. Morata.
Theoretical Program: Description and critical evaluation of processes that affect direct and indirectly to curricula design, development and innovation. Analysis of decisions made in the selection of curricular contents from different environments, their organization and presentation to professors and students. Agents that intervene in the design and development of the currículum Peculiarities of the different levels of the educational system. Processes, strategies and institutions that intervene in the processes of curriculum change and innovation. Practical Program: Analysis of laws related with to curricular design. Revision of school plans. Study of curricular materials. OBJECTIVES: To reach the maximum knowlegde within the area.