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13599 Didactics and Organisation in Infant Education - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
The methodology is centered round three related points: the theory classes, the practical classes and the individual student practices.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
ESCUELAS INFANTILES DE REGGIO EMILIA (1999): La inteligencia se construye usándola. Madrid. Moraa.
GOLDSCHMIED, E. Y JACKSON, S. (2001): La educación infantil de 0 a 3 años. Madrid. Morata.
JACKSON, Ph.W. (1991): La vida en las aulas. Madrid: Morata.
STEINBERG, Sh. Y KINCHELOE, J.C. (Comp.)(2000): Cultura infantil y multinacionales. Madrid. Morata.
TAVERNIER, R.(1987): La escuela antes de los seis años. Barna. Mtnez Roca.
WILLIS, A. Y RICCIUTI, H. (1990): Orientaciones para la escuela infantil de cero a dos años. Madrid: Morata.
Objectives To generate a rigorous and up-to-date knowledge on the perspectives and more representative patterns in Infant Education. To evaluate, in a critical way and through explicit reasoning, different forms and patterns of thinking and acting in teaching in Infant Education. Knowledge of the academic structure of the Spanish educational system. Ability to analyze, using coherent parameters with theoretical reasoning , the state of education, teaching and the school institution, from the historical, economic and cultural reality. Acquisition and use of the vocabulary and terminology characteristic of the discipline and of social sciences in general. Contents: 1) The IE in the context of schooling. 2) The child as the main character of schooling. 3) Active participation as the base of chilhood experience and learning. 4) The classroom and the center of IE as a learning space. 5) The role of the family in IE.