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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13598 General Didactics - Five-year degree in Psychopedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Debate on documents and group discussions.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
CARBONELL, J. (2000), Las pedagogías del siglo XX. Ciss-praxis. Barcelona.
DELVAL, J. (2000), Aprender en la vida y en la escuela. Madrid. Morata.
GIMENO, J. (2003) El alumno como invención. Madrid. Morata.
GIMENO, J, y PÉREZ GÓMEZ, A. I. (1998), Comprender y transformar la enseñanza. Madrid. Morata.
STENHOUSE, L. (1984), Investigación y desarrollo del curriculum. Madrid. Morata.
1) Ability, Knowledge, Identity and Citizenship: searching for conceptual frameworks from which to develop the educational work of Individual emancipation. 2) Tradition of modern thought in education: Ideas that configured the ideals, objectives, and practice of the modern teaching and the role of teachers. 3) Role of teaching in the institutionalization of education 4) Teaching culture and teaching as a culture. 5) Learning individuals: creating the idea of student. 6) Teaching individuals: emancipation knowledge in the educational work.