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13589 Differential Basis of Adult Education - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Research Methodology, Educational Diagnosis and Assessment
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, group work, interpretation and elaboration of tools and materials related to the contents of the programme.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
BROCKETT, R.G. y RIEMSTRA, R. (1993). El aprendizaje autodirigido en la educación de adultos. Paidós.BARTOLOME, M. (2.002) (Coord.) Identidad y ciudadanía. Un reto a la educación intercultural. Madrid, NarceaBISQUERRA, R. (2.000) educación emocional y bienestar, Barcelona, Praxis-Escuela Española,GARDNER, H. (2.001) La inteligencia reformulada. Las inteligencias múltiples en el siglo XXI. Barcelona, Paidós. MARZO, A. y FIGUERAS, J.M. (1990). Eduación de adultos. Situación actual y perspectivas. Barcelona. I.C.E. /De HorsoriSAEZ, J. y ESCARBAJAL, A (1.998). La educación de personas adultas. Salamanca, Amarú.SEFCHOVICH,G. (1.993) Creatividad para adultos. México, TrillasTENANT, M. (1991). Adultez y aprendizaje. Enfoques psicol
CONTENTS.1 Adult education: Current situation and environments of intervention.2. The adult age: Criteria that determine it and most relevant individual differences.4. Stages of the adult age: General characteristics and educational needs in each . 5. The transitions. 6. Intelligence and cognitive development in the adult. . Post-formal thought and dialectical thought. 7.Programmes of cognitive development. Intervention to improve cognitive strategies Creativity in the adult .8. The adult learning. The motivation for learning in adults. Adult learning and new technologies 8. Self-esteem in adults. Structure and evolution. Self-esteem improvement programs. 9. Social and affective development. Programs for the improvement of social abilities. Values and adult education. 10. Work and professional life. Occupational training and company training. 11. Late adulthood. Biological changes. Intelligence, memory and thought.? Work and retirement. Educational programs for old people. OBJECTIVES. - To understand adulthood as an accumulative and changing stage of life, a result of an uninterrupted sequence of transitions.