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13565 History of Education in Spain - Five-year degree in Psychopedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Comparative Education and History of Education
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Teacher's presentation of topics by means of GUIDES. Students should carry out a global synthesis. Students' participation on text discussion, seminars, readings.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Delgado, B., Hª de la Educación en España. 3 T, Ed. S.M. Madrid.
Capitán, A., Hª de la Educación en España, Dykinson, Madrid 1991 (2T).
Puelles Benitez, M., Educación e ideología en la España Contemporánea, Labor 1980.
Esteban, L. Y López, R., Hª de la Enseñanaza y de la Escuela, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 1994.
OBJECTIVES: - To elaborate global synthesis on the historical-educational fact in the Modern and Contemporary Spain. To be able to interpret texts from the past. To define and to consider the pedagogue profession through studying the past, incorporating any useful and illustrative information. To consider the past as a function of a present and a future CONTENTS HUMANISM AND EDUCATION. EDUCATION AND ILLUSTRATION IN THE 18TH CENTURY. TOWARDS THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE SPANISH EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. SOCIAL REFORMISM AND EDUCATION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY. POLITICS AND EDUCATION IN THE 2ND REPUBLIC. EDUCATION DURING THE FRANCO ERA.