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13561 Special Education - Five-year degree in Psychopedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures on the syllabus. Video watching. Presentations in class.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ALVAREZ. L y SOLER, E. (1996) "La diversidad en la práctica educativa. Modelos de orientación y tutoría". Madrid, CCS.
ARNAIZ, P. y LOZANO, J. (1996) "Proyecto curricular para la diversidad. Psicomotricidad y lectoescritura". Madrid, CCS.
SANCHEZ PALOMINO, A. y TORRES GONZALEZ, J.A. (1997) "Educación Especial I. Una perspectiva curricular, organizativa y profesional" Madrid, Pirámide.
SANCHEZ PALOMINO, A. y TORRES GONZALEZ, J.A. (1997) "Educación Especial II. Ambitos específicos de intervención" Madrid, Pirámide.
SANCHEZ ASIN, A. (1996) "Necesidades educativas e intervención psicopedagógica" Barcelona, EUB.
Theory Programme: 1st PART: Special Education -Concept, content and scope. 2nd PART: Types of deficiencies or deficits. 3rd PART: Interventional techniques in Special Education. Practical Programme: If we consider Special Education as a discipline mainly focussed on educational intervention, the practical activities to be carried out by students will be guided towards the knowledge and handling of appropriate instruments to these interventions. OBJECTIVES: First, to train educational professionals to carry out the tasks and to assume the functions required by the social demand generated by the growing interest on students with special educational needs and the desire to find solutions for them.