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13557 Didactics and Organisation in Secondary Education - Five-year degree in Psychopedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Teaching models based on learning by reception and discovery.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ESCUDERO MUÑOZ, J.M.(Coord.): Diseño y desarrollo del curriculum en la Educación Secundaria. Barcelona: ICE û Horsori, 1997 FERNANDEZ ENGUITA, M.: Sociología de las instituciones de educación secundaria. Barcelona: ICE û Horsori, 1997 HARGREAVES, A.; EARL, L.; y RYAN, J.: Una educación para el cambio: reinventar la educación de los adolescentes. Barcelona: Octaedro, 1998 OBIOLS, G. y DI SEGNI DE OBIOLS, S.: Adolescencia, posmodernidad y escuela secundaria. La crisis de la enseñanza media. Buenos Aires: Kapelusz, 1992 PUELLES, M. de (Dir.): Política, legislación e instituciones en la educación secundaria. Barcelona: ICE û Horsori, 1996
Contents:- Historical configuration of secondary education: The comprehensive reformations. The Spanish educational system. - The curriculum configuration in secondary education: Curricular policies in the last reformations (LOGSE and Law of Quality). Curricular development in educational centres. - Students and Secondary School teachers: Transition to secondary educations. Diversity and inequality. Formation of the teachers' professional identities. - Organization of secondary education institutions: School restructuring and autonomy. Organizative regulations in Secondary education centres. OBJETIVOS: - Analysis and assessment of the historical circumstances that determine the configuration of the secondary education. - Knowledge of the S.E. curricular policies in the last educational reformations. - Knowledge and application of school work procedures for adolescents and youngsters. - Knowledge and analysis of the organization of secondary school institutions.