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13512 Cooperation for Development and Education - Three-year degree in Social Education

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Comparative Education and History of Education
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Selection of program topics. Lectures using notes, and varios resources such as, overhead projectors, video tapes, reading of texts. Groups work. Clarification of doubts during advisory periods.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Banco Mundial (2001). Informe sobre el desarrollo mundial 2001/2002. Washington, Banco Mundial.
Colom Cañellas, A.J. (2000). Desarrollo sostenible y educación para el desarrollo. Barcelona, Octaedro.
Iyanga Pendi, A. (2003). Política de la Educación y la Globalización Neoliberal. Valencia, Universitat de València.
Monclús, A. y otros (2001). Educación para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación Internacional. Madrid, Complutense.
Ortega, P. y Mínguez, R. (1999). Educación, cooperación y desarrollo. Murcia, Obra Cultural de la Caja de Murcia.
Contents and Objectives: To understand the evolution and current situation of organizations for Cooperation in Development and Education. To know contributions education has made to social and sustainable development. To acquire understanding of educational theories, authors' contributions and positions in favor of education for development. To develop critical thought, based theories and abstract concepts, from different perspectives.