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13506 School Drop Out - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination and project work
-CONTENT: CULTURAL -DIVERSITY AND SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Complexity of sociocultural phenomena. New forms of social exclusion: School failiure, absenteeism and discrimination. The need to reconstruct the role of educational institutions, in order to favor democratic culture and intercultural citizenship. Assessment as part of the formation process and disciplines as a socializing process. SCHOOL -SUCCESS-FAILURE: Strategies and educational policies. Equality policies and their unequal results. Organizational, personal, cultural, moral and political repercussions in the culture of centers. Schooling as a mental construction. Diversity and the common currículum. Didactic and organizational answers. Social consequences of a certain assessment procedure. Professional and vocational formation policies. Socio-educational intervention environments. -OBJECTIVES: Critical analysis of educational institutional reality. Conceptual renovation. Professional competence and linking theory to practise.