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1319 Special Issues in Social Policy - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Work and Social Services
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Theory exposures on the part of the lecturer during the teaching hours, texts commentaries proposed in class, work on certain selection of books with reference to the material of the subject and dynamic and participative comment in class
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Relación de textos a trabajar en clase:

Aliena, Rafael. 2001. ôIndividuación, identidad y política de la vida en las obras de Anthony Giddens y Ulrich Beckö. Material redactado para la asignatura.

Baurmann, Michael. 1998. Selección de páginas del capítulo 1 (ôIntroducción: una visión del liberalismoö) de El mercado de la virtud. Moral y responsabilidad social en la sociedad liberal (Barcelona: Gedisa).

Bloom, Allan. 1989. Selección de partes de El cierre de la mente moderna (Barcelona: Plaza & Janés).

Etzioni, Amitai. 1999. ôLos elementos de una buena sociedadö, cap. 1 en La nueva regla de oro. Comunidad y moralidad en una sociedad democrática (Barcelona, Buenos Aires, México: Paidós).

Honneth, Axel.

The subject covers an in-depth study of the discipline that cannot be included in the core subject "Social Policy", which is basic and introductory. This course is dedicated to the study of a new focus or paradigm in social policies: the individual recovery as policy program. It will be studied in a seminar format through a series of texts. It is wanted especially the improvement of reading, argumentative and expositional competitions of students. We have seen advance this process of "individual recovery". This is given in diverse territories so much political as disciplinary, and it could be presented as "the bet for a thinking, responsible, active, volunteer, moral and liberate individual". The last novelty is that, more recently, this project acquires a political concretion: it is expected that the policy (and, in a particular way, the Social Policies) contributes to that individual's construction. Obviously neither all the interested in the individual finish taking the political step, neither all those that understand that the policies has something to do with the individual make formulations so firm, unequivocal and intervencionists like for example. "the governors can and should promote reconstruction policies of that ideal individual". This focus will make us center in questions about: (a) political and moral philosophy (with special attention to the trends that we could generically name of civic humanism, and with outstanding consideration of