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13169 Mixed Prosthesis and Prosthesis on Implants - Five-year degree in Odontology

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
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Theory: Lectures and seminars. Practical sessions
Met. Avaluació
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*PREISKEL., H. Precisión attachements in dentistry. Vol. I y II Quintessence, 1985.
*GRABER, G. Atlas de prótesis parcial. Salvat 1990.
*GEERING, A.H. Prótesis dental y sobredentaduras. Salvat 1988.
*SPIEKERMANN H. Atlas de implantología. 1995. Barcelona. Ed. Masson.
*MISCH C.E. Implantología contemporánea. 1995. Madrid. Ed. Mosby/ Doyma Libros.
*WATZEK G. Endosseous Implants: Scientific and clinical aspects. 1996. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc.
*ALBREKTSSON T, ZARB G. El Implante Oseointegrado Brõnemark. 1999. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc.
Theory Programme
1. Concept of mixed prosthesis.
2. Individual diagnosis and treatment plan.
3. Biomechanics of mixed prosthesis.
4. ataches classification: Concept.
5. Intracoronal Ataches.
6. Radicular Ataches.
7. Extracoronal Ataches I.
8. Extracoronal Ataches II.
9. Telescopic crowns. Overdentures.
10. Overdentures II.
11. Retentive devices.
12. Stabilizers.
13. Straining I.
14. Straining II.
15. Failures in mixed Prosthesis. Techniques of poise.

16. Implantology: Concept of implant and classification. Concept of
osseous integration. History of the implantology.
17. Diagnosis and treatment plan (I): Anatomical limits. Radiological diagnosis. Radiological splints.
18. Diagnosis and treatment plan (II): study Models. Waxing diagnosis. Surgical splints. Election of the type of implant and prostodóncico treatment.
19. Diagnosis and treatment plan (III): Second surgery. Pillars of
scaring. Surgery of soft tissues. Pre-prosthesis surgery.
20. prostodóncicos additions (I): impression posts. Laboratory replicas. Screwdrivers.
21. prostodóncicos Additions (II): transephitelial pillars.
22. Impression techniques: Direct technique, indirect technique. Impression cuvettes. Impression materials.
23. Modelling. False gum. Waxing and strain of prostodóncicas structures.
24.Clinical test o