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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13150 General Human Histology - Five-year degree in Odontology

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theory 35 sessions (60 m. each), according the program. Its oral exposition is completed with schemes in the blackboard, and/or audiovisual media and material in the Virtual Classroom. Practice 10 sessions (60 m. each). You must make a practice notebook that gathers your observations. (See Program).
Met. Avaluació
The final qualification is determined by the joint evaluation of the activities, works and tests made in relation to the theoretical and practical contents. (To see program)
Fawcett DW, Compendio de Histología. Ed. Interamericana McGraw-Hill, 1999.
García Poblete E, Fernández García H, Histología humana práctica: Odontología., Ed. Universitaria Ramón Areces, 2006.
Geneser F. Histología (3ª ed.). Ed. Panamericana, 2000.
Kühnel W, Atlas color de citología e histología. (11ª ed). Ed. Panamericana, 2005.
Porier J, Manual de Histología Ed. Masson, 2002.
Sheedlo HJ, Histología., Ed. McGraw Hill, 2007.
Stevens A, Lowe J, Histología humana + Acceso electrónico (3ª ed.) Elsevier España S.A., 2006.
The program of the subjet, includes the general Histology where the tissues are analyzed (epithelial, glandular, conective, cartilage and bone, muscular, blood and the nervous system). In the Special Histology they are analyzed as the basic tissues are combined to form the different Organs, Apparatuses and Systems. To see program
The main objective of the present module, is to introduce to the student in the knowledge of the microscopic structure of tissues and as these are organized to constitute the different organs, systems and apparatuses of the human body. This module is basic later to study with more detail the organization and structures of the stomatognátic apparatus, that was made in depth in another module denominated like human bucodental histology.
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