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13149 Human OralDental Histology - Five-year degree in Odontology

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theory 35 lessons. They are exposed during the lessons, and complemented with schematic pictures on the board and other virtual and multimedia aids. Practicals 10 lessons with a microscope and a collection of slides. It will be optional to have a notebook including pictures by the student.
Met. Avaluació
The final mark is determined by an overall evaluation of the activities, papers (essays) and written exams done regarding the theorical and practical contents. It is updated each year, see syllabus.
AVERY (2007) Principios de histologia y embriologia bucal con orientacion clinica. Ed. Elsevier Mosby. AVERY (2001) Oral development and histology. Ed. Thieme. GARANT (2003) Oral cells and tissues. Ed. Quintessence. GOMEZ DE FERRARIS Y CAMPOS MUÑOZ (2002) Histologia y Embriologia bucodental. Ed. Médica Panamericana. NANCI (2003) Ten Cate Oral Histology. Ed. Mosby. SCHROEDER (1991) Oral structural biology. Ed. Thieme.
Historical development of the bucco-dental histology. Study techniques in oral histology. Human general histogenesis. Histogenesis of the bucco-dental structures. Cover oral mucous. Masticatory oral mucous. Palate. Gum. Specialized oral mucous. Tongue. Gustatory system. Lip and cheek. Tooth and periodontium, general structure. Dental enamel and amelogenesis; Dentin and dentinogenesis; Cementum:structure and origin; Deciduous and permanent teeth; Marginal and apical periodontium; Salivary glands; Tonsils and immunological system; Tooth movement and eruption; Dental nerves; Dental surfaces; Temporomandibular joint; Nasal and paranasal sinuses.
The main objective of the present module, is to introduce to the student in the knowledge of the microscopic structure of tissues and as these are organized to constitute the different organs, systems and apparatuses of the human body. This module is basic later to study with more detail the organization and structures of the stomatognátic apparatus, that was made in depth in another module denominated like human bucodental histology.
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