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13147 General Human Physiology - Five-year degree in Odontology

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
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BEST y TAYLOR. Bases Fisiológicas de la Práctica Médica. Ed. Panamericana.
GANONG W.F. Fisiología Médica. Ed. El Manual Moderno.
GUYTON A.C. Tratado de fisiología médica. Ed. Interamericana-Mc Graw-Hill.
SELKURT E. Fisiología. Ed. El Ateneo.

To acquire the necessary physiologic knowledge for the professional practice.

Theory Programme

1. - Homoeostasis. Corporal liquids
2. - Membrane transport
3. - Blood composition and functions.
4. - Erythrocyte physiology
5. - Sanguine groups
6. - Haemostasis
7. - Electric activity of the heart
8. - Mechanical activity of the heart
9. - Heart consumption
10. - Arterial circulation. Arterial pressure
11. - Capillary, venous and lymphatic circulation
12. - Cardiovascular regulation
13. - Coronary circulation
14. - Mechanics of the ventilation
15. - Lung ventilation
16. - Gas exchange
17. - Gas transport in blood
18. - Regulation of the ventilation
19. - Motor functions of the digestive system
20. - Gastrointestinal secretions
21. - Food digestion and absorption
22. - Energy coonsumption of the organism
23. - General functions of the kidney
24. - Renal circulation and filtration
25. - Tubular functions
26. - Urine concentration and dilution
27. - Acid-base balance
28. - Introduction to the endocrine system
29. - Sexual hormones
30. - Adrenal cortex. Glucocorticoids.
31. - Mineral-corticoids
32. - Adrenal marrow. Catecholamines
33. - Thyroid. Phospho-calcium hormone.
34. - Endocrine pancreas. Insulin.
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