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13130 General Pathological Anatomy - Five-year degree in Odontology

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
35 theoretical lessons of classroom will be distributed. The practical program will consist of 8 sessions of microscopic practices in the microscopy classroom more two review practices. All of them of 1 hr. of duration.
Met. Avaluació
Theoretical part: 9 pt maximum
Practical attendance and evaluation: 1 pt
- BAGAN, JV. y SCULLY, C. Medicina y Patología Oral. Medicina Oral SL, Valencia 2006
- BAGAN SEBASTIAN, JV. y VERA SEMPERE, FJ. Patología de la mucosa oral, Syntex Latino, Barcelona1989.
-BHASKAR, SN. Patología bucal Ed. El Ateneo, 6ª ed. 1984
SAPP, JP. EVERSOLE, LR, WYSOCKI, GP. Patología oral y maxilofacial contemporánea. 2ª ed. Elsevier Mosby 2005
-SHAFER, WG. y LEWY, BM. Tratado de Patología bucal. 1986 Interamericana
-COTRAN, RS, KUMAR V, COLLINS, T. Patología Estructural y Funcional de Robbins. McGraw Hill Interamericana, 1999.
-VERA SEMPERE, FJ. Cuadernos de Patología Oromaxilofacial. Glosopatias, Patología de las glandulas salivares. Ed. Denes, Valencia 2007, 2008
Program of 35 theoretical lessons: Elementary introduction. Techniques and Methods (2 lessons). Cellular and metabolic lesions (4 lessons), circulatory disorders (2 lessons), Inflammation (2 lessons), oral inflammatory Pathology (4 lessons), Repair, Immune response, Atrophy, Malformations (4 lessons), Neoplasica Pathology and forms with representation in the oral cavity (12 lessons). Oromaxilofaccial cystic lesions (2 lessons).
Practical education (1 practical credit, 10 hours of activity). one of them consists of one program of 8 microscopic practical lessons of 1 hours of duration each by means of microprojection of a total of 3 slides, totalizing 24 histological sections. In addition, 2 hours of microscopical study are programmed for revision of slides.
To know with general character the morphologic bases (macro and microscopic) the general mechanisms the applied disease the study degenerative, circulatory, inflammatory and tumorlike the upheavals of different weaves, organs, apparatuses and systems of the economy, focusing on the pathology of the anatomical region head and neck, with special mention to the maxilofacial area, oral cavity, annexed glands, and dental structures.
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