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1290 Social Work Fundamentals - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Work and Social Services
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent

Three evaluation forms exist assisting to the pursuit of the classes and of the practical workshops: presence, semi-presence, no-presence.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Alayón, N. Definiendo el Trabajo Social, Humanitas. Bs.As. 1987.
Ander Egg, E. Diccionario de Trabajo Social. El Ateneo. Barcelona. 1984.
Metodología del Trabajo Social. El Ateneo. Barcelona. 1982.
Historia del Trabajo Social. Humanitas. Buenos Aires 1985.
Introducción al Trabajo Social. Siglo XXI Edits. Madrid. 1996.
Aylwin de B., y otras. Un enfoque operativo de la metodología del Trabajo
Social. Humanitas. Buenos Aires. 1984.
Banks, Sara. Ética y valores en el Trabajo Social. Paidos. Barcelona. 1997.
Bianchi, E.(Comp.) El Servicio Social como proceso de ayuda. Paidos.
Barcelona. 1994.
Casalet, M. Alternativas metodológicas en T.S. Humanitas. Buenos Aires. 1983.
Colomer, M.
This subject introduces the student to the main aspects of Social Work, from the philosophical, epistemological and methodological perspective, inside the frame of the historical processes in which Social Work is established, professionalized, technicalized and it advances in its insertion among the social disciplines.

The consideration of these historical processes supposes the recognition of the stages in the development of societies. It is proposed that the facts of universal history constitute forced reference of the study of the development of our discipline.

The student should recognize the overlapping importance of the theoretical questions in the professional practice, identifying methodological developments and being introduced to the critical debate around them. Understanding that when we speak about methodology we refer to a process creation and not a mechanical translation of patterns. The construction of a scientific discipline supposes a reflection and a form of making visible an implemented methodology.

The proposal consists of developing the contents starting from successive approaches, by means of the use of participative group techniques, facilitating at the same time the appropriation of the existing theoretical-pratical wealth, the debate about the same one, the instrumental application, the reflection about its use, around proposed laboratory situations. The realization of these workshops requires training in ins