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1285 Social Welfare System - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Work and Social Services
Lecturers in charge
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To approve this subject the student should overcome an exam.
ALEMÁN, C.; GARCÉS, J. y GUTIÉRREZ, A. (2003): Políticas sociales en la España de las autonomías. Escuela Libre Editorial, Madrid.
GARCÉS, J. y GUTIÉRREZ, A. (coords.)(2000): Los servicios sociales en las comunidades y ciudades autónomas. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Study of the institutions, resources and basic programs of the public systems of social protection that includes the analysis of cases SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Define and use with accuracy the concepts and terminology of the subject.Recognize the different levels of performance of each one of the systems of social well-being.Know the process of institutional and legislative development in each social protection system. Know the structure and operation of the main services and benefits of social well-being systems.
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