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12820 Observational Astrophysics Techniques - Five-year degree in Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
Astrophysical concepts. - M.Harwit.

Òptica. - FW Sears.

Applied Optics and Optical Engineering - RR Shannon & JC Wyant Diversos volums.

Optics and Optical Instruments - BJ Jhonson

Astronornie CCD - C. Buil

Astronomical Observations - G. Walker
TOPIC 1. - Astronomy as an observacional science
Astronomy and science. The measuring process. Optical astronomy from earth. Modern Astronomy.

TOPI 2. - The electromagnetic spectrum
Coulomb.Law Electric field. Faraday and Ampère Laws. Maxwell Equations. Electromagnetic waves (EMW).
Huygens and Fermat principles. Interaction of the EMW and matter.

TOPIC 3. - Collectors of light
Atmospheric windows. Optica geometry and optica physics.
Refractive telescopes. Reflective Telescopes. Focus. Performance. Increase. Scale. Mixed telescopes. Frame structures.
Atmospheric effects: refraction. Twinkling.

TOPIC 4. - Analysers.
Absorption and reflection filtres. Interferential filtres.
The optic prism. Desviation. Dispersion. Resolutive power.
Nets of diffraction. Types. Dispersion. Resolutive power.

TOPIC 5. - Detectors
The human eye. Resolutive power. Magnitudes and shine. The photographic plate. Sensitivity. Characteristic curve. Photoelectric photometre. Solid state photometre. The CCD.High energy detectors. Radio detectors.

TOPIC 6. - Photometry
Photometric systems. S.F. and the wide, intermediate and narrow band.
Atmmospheric extinction. Photometric Calibrations.

TOPIC 7. - Spectroscopy
Continuous spectrum.

For the students to understand that astronomy is an observational science that know the basic methods to obtain information of astronomical interest through observation.
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