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12795 Astronomy and Astrophysics Fundamentals - Five-year degree in Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Bibliografía básica

· An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, B.W. Carrol & D.A. Ostlie, Reading, Addison-Weslay, 1996.
· Astronomía de posicion. Vives T.J., Madrid, Ed. Alhambra, 1971.
· Astronomía Fonamental, Martínez, V.J., Miralles, J.A. i Marco, E., València, Servei de Publicacion de la Universitat de València, 2001.
· Astronomía General. Teoría y Práctica, Galadí, D., Gutiérrez, J., Barcelona, Ed. Omega, 2001.
· Astronomía Moderna, L. Oster, Barcelona. Ed. Reverté, 1978
· Curso de Astronomía: General, Bakulin P.I., Kononovich E.V. , Moroz V.I., Moscou, Ed. Mir, 1987.
· Curso de Astronomía: teoría y práctica, Fabregat J., García M.R., Sendra R., Valèn

Theory Program
1. Astronomy: Objectives and historical introduction.
What is astronomy?
Classification. Historic development

2. Spherical Astronomy.
Naming stars in catalogues.
The Earth
The celestial sphere.
Horizontal, equatorial and ecliptic co-ordinate systems.
Terrestrial circles.
Perturbation of co-ordinates:

3. Movement of astros.
General properties.
Equations of the orbits.
KeplerÆs laws.

4. The solar system.
General characteristics.
Geometry of planetary positions.
The Sun, planets, satellites, asteroids and comets.
The moon. Eclipses.

5. Introduction to Astrophysics.

Study of light. Magnitudes and luminosity. The stars. Stellar parameters. Spectral classification. Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams. Galaxies. The Milky Way. Structure and characteristics. Dark matter. Cosmology. The expansion of the universe. HubbleÆs law.
The age of the Universe. Critical density.

Practical program includes:
1. Height of the lunar mountains
2. Sky simulation Software. Skyglobe
3. Knowledge of sky and telescope.
4. Calculating latitude I and II.
5. Determining mass: Jupiter. KeplerÆs laws.
7. Pleya

This subject will introduce the student to the bases of Astronomy and Astrophysics. To do this we must first look at other subjects within the Mathematical field, related to the astrophysical area.
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