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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12740 Optics - Five-year degree in Physics

Faculty of Physics
Optics and Optometry and Vision Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
The theoretical content of the course will be developed (6 credits) and the solving of numerical exercices will be undertaken (4,5 credits). Moreover, the students must present solved ensembles of questions and numerical exercices proposed by the corresponding lecturers.
Met. Avaluació
The ordinary evaluation consists of written examinations (8 points) and home work (2 points), weighting theory (55%) and problems (45%).
The second partial evaluation will take place together with the overall final evaluation. The extraordinary evaluation consists only of a written examination.
M. Born and E. Wolf. Principles of Optics. Pergamon Press (1996).
E. Hecht and A. Zajac. Òptica. Addison Wesley Iberoamericana (1990).
J. M. Cabrera, F J. López y F. Agulló. Óptica Electromagnética. Tomos I y II. Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana (1993), (2000).
J. Casas. Óptica. Librería Pons (1994).
M. Bertin, J. P. Faroux et J. Renault. Optique Géométrique. Dunod (1978).
R. D. Guenther. Modern Optics. John Wiley & Sons (1990).
P. W. Milonni and J. H. Eberly, Lasers. John Wiley & Sons (1988).
P. Mejías, R. Martínez, Óptica Geométrica, Síntesis (1999).
P. Mejías, R. Martínez, 100 Problemas de Óptica Geométrica, Alianza Editorial (1999).
1) Concepts and fundamental laws of geometrical optics.
2) Optical systems.
3) Paraxial optics.Matrix model.
4) Polarization.
5) Microscopic theory of refraction index.
6) Refraction and reflexion in the interface of dielectric isotropic media.
7) Interferences by wavefront division.
8) Interferences by amplitude division.
9) Diffraction.
The propagation of light rays in different media is studied with a geometric model. Imaging in paraxial approximation is considered using a matrix model. With a wave model, we consider the polarizations states of the light, its propagation in isotropic media and the modifications in the interface of two optically different media. Using the electron oscillator model, a study on the refraction index is made. Finally interference and diffracttion fenomena are considered as interaction light-light.
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