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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12718 General Physics II - Five-year degree in Physics

Faculty of Physics
Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Magistral lessons are given to the student for the theory.These are followed by problems and questions to be solved by the student with the help of the professor.Test questions are included in the exam. The work during sessions is taken into account.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
· Paul A. Tipler. Física, para la ciencia y la tecnología, Editorial Reverté. 4ª Edición. 1999.
· Paul M. Fishbane, S. Gasiorovich,S. Thornton. Física para ciencias e ingeniería, Editorial Prentice_Hall Hispanoamericana. 1993.
· M. Alonso, E.J. Finn. Física, Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana.
Maily these text books will be used during the course.
Another recommended bibliography
· J.W. Kane, M.M. Sternheim. Física, Editorial Reverté. 1992.
· V. Martínez Sancho. Fonaments de Física, Enciclopédia Catalana.
· J. Aguilar y F. Senent. Cuestiones de Física, Editorial Reverté.
The aim of this subject is to offer the students a global vision on current physics and all its branches, paying attention to their mathematical preparation - which is not too good before university.
This course aims to standardize the knowledge of all students - regardless of the origins of their secondary education- so that their conceptual knowledge on physics will enable them to successfully approach future courses at university. This subject focusses on the learning of concepts, for which a deep mathematical knowledge is not required.

Lesson 1. Harmonic motion.
Lesson 2. Oscillation in circuits.
Lesson 3. Alternating Current and LRC Circuits.
Lesson 4. Ondulatory motion.
Lesson 5. Sound waves.
Lesson 6. Electromagnetic waves. Light.
Lesson 7. Reflection, refraction and dispersion.
Lesson 8. Polarization.
Lesson 9. Principle of Superposition and wave interference.
Lesson 10. Diffraction.
Lesson 11. Geometric optics.
Lesson 12. Lenses.
Lesson 13. Optic instruments.
Lesson 14. Special relativity I
Lesson 15. Special relativity II
Lesson 16. General relativity
Lesson 17. Dual behaviour of the radiation
Lesson 18. Atomic structure
Lesson 19. Dual behaviour of the matter
Lesson 20. Matter structure
Lesson 21. Nuclear physics.
Lesson 22. Nuclear reactions.
Lesson 23. Fundamental particles.
Lesson 24.