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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12717 General Physics I - Five-year degree in Physics

Faculty of Physics
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination. Assessment: written exam comprising Part a) Theory Part b) Problems.
- "Fisica", Alonso-Finn, Addisson_Wesley Iberoamericana, 1995
- "Fisica para la ciencia y la tecnologia", Tipler, Reverte, 1999
- "Fonaments de Fisica", Martinez Sancho, Enciclopedia Catalana, 1991
Block I. Introduction
- Introduction
- Vectors and Fields

Block II. Mechanics
- Cinematics and Dynamics of the particle.
- Systems of particles.
- Energy, lineal momentum and angular momentum conservation theorems.
- Collisions.
- Dynamics of the solid Rigid.
- Gravitational interaction.
- Elasticity.
- Statics and dynamics of Fluids

Block III.Termodinámica.
- Thermodynamic systems. Temperature
- First principle of thermodynamics
- Phase changes.
- Second principle of the Thermodynamic.
- Kinetic theory of gases.

Block IV. Electromagnetism.
- Electrostatic field.
- Direct current
- Magnetic field
- Electromagnetic induction and Maxwell laws.
The aim of the course is to supply basic concepts in three fundamental areas in the study of the Physics: classic mechanics, Thermodynamic and Electrical and Magnetical fields.
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