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12711 Quantum Physics - Five-year degree in Physics

Faculty of Physics
Theoretical Physics
Lecturers in charge
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R. Resnick: Conceptos de relatividad y teoría cuántica, Ed. Limusa
R. Eisberg and R. Resnick: Quantum physics, Ed. J. Wiley
S. Gasiorowicz: Quantum physics, Ed. J. Wiley
R.P. Feynman: The Feynman lectures on physics vol. III, Ed. Addison Wesley

This subject seeks to familiarize the student with a series of new -not classical- phenomena, arising when the Planck constant, h, can no longer be ignored.
Prerequisite for this subject is previous knowledge of a) linear algebra; b) differential equations and special functions; c) electromagnetism as studied in general physics and d) elementary notions of lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics. Out of experience we believe that to follow this subject it is indispensable to have passed mathematical methods I,II,III, general physics and mechanics and waves. Therefore we advise those students who haven't passed these subjects, not to register for quantum physics.

1. - Limits of the classical physics and the old quantum theory
2. - Wave mechanics: Schr÷dinger equation (1925)
3. ű Time-independent Schr÷dinger equation
4. - Simple harmonic oscillator
5. - Approximate methods in quantum mechanics
6. - Schr÷dinger equation in three dimensions. Symmetry under rotations
7. - Loaded particles in e.m. fields. The hydrogen atom
8. - Interaction with an e.m. field: general theory
9. - Electron spin and total angular moment
10.- Identical particles: multielectronic atoms and quantum statistics