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12704 Electromagnetism - Five-year degree in Physics

Faculty of Physics
Applied Physics and Electromagnetism
Lecturers in charge
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Assessment based on two mid-seasonal exams (averaged,with a minimum of 4 points, for the final mark)and a final exam. Each exam will consist of two parts: theory (different short questions, 6 points) and problems (4 pints). The final mark must be at least 5 points.
-F. Pomer, Electromagnetisme Bàsic, Universitat de València, 1993.
-J.R.Reitz, F.J.Milford y R.W.Christy, Fundamentosdela teoría Electro-magnética, Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana, 1986.
-R.K. Wangness, Campos electromagnéticos, Limusa 1983.
-R. Feynman, R.B. Leighton y M. Sands, Física (Volumen II: electromagnetismo y materia), Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana, 1987
Introduction to electromagnetic interaction.
Electrostatic field.
Magnetostatic field.
Multipole expansion of the electrostatic field.
Multipole expansion of the magnetostatic field.
Electromagnetic induction.
Maxwell's equations: electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic fields in matter.
Electromagnetic waves in matter.
Electrostatic energy.
Magnetostatic energy.
Energy and momentum in the electromagnetic field.
Electromagnetic radiation.
Electrostatic potential.
Circuit theory: steady state currents.
Alternating-current circuits.
Electromagnetic wave guides.
Knowledge of fundamental laws of electromagnetic interacction as a fundamental one in macroscopic Physics and its expression as a field theory: Maxwell's equations.
Analysis of the specific solutions of Maxwell's equations for different basic electromagnetic problems.
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