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12489 Evaluation Techniques in Labour Risks - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Prev. Medicine, Public Health, Food Sc.,Toxic. and For. Med.
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
The theoretical sessions provided the basic practical abilities needed to be able to carry out an evaluation of the present risks in the labour environment. The students should complete the contents of the theoretical sessions
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
BIBLIOGRAFIA1. Calatayud Sarthou A y Cortés Vizcaíno C. (1997) Curso de Salud Laboral. Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia.2. Comisión Europea de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. Directrices para la Evaluación de Riesgos en el lugar de trabajo. CECA, Bruselas, 1996.3. Guasch J et al. (1994). Higiene Industrial. Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo.4. Hernberg S. Introducción a la Epidemiologia Ocupacional. Madrid, Diaz de Santos, 1995.5. Laborda Grima R. (2001). Evaluación de la exposición a agentes químicos en el trabajo. Manual práctico. Colección Iniciativas, Valencia, 250 p.6. Merletti F, Olsen J, Vuylsteek K. Estudio de las causas de las enfermedades laborales. Introducción a la Epidemiología Laboral. Barcelona, SG
OBJECTIVES. The subject "Evaluation Techniques of Labour Risks" is planned as a theoretical-practice teaching. The aim is to acquire not only the necessary theoretical concepts for the knowledge of labour risks and their evaluation, but also the acquisition of the basic practical abilities needed to be able to carry out an evaluation of the current risks in labour environment. For this each topic will consist of a theoretical part and some exercises or practical cases that will be carried out in class. It is very convenient that the student completes the presented contents during the theoretical sessions with the consultation of books, magazines and other documental sources.