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12485 Sociology of Organisations - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures and class discussion
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ARANZADI, D. (1976): Cooperativismo industrial como sistema, empresa y experiencia. Bilbao, Deusto.
ARGYRIS, Ch. (1979): El individuo dentro de la organización. Barcelona, Herder.
ARGYRIS, Ch. (1999): On orgnizational learning, 2ª ed.. Cambridge (MA), Basil Backwell.
BERNSTEIN, A. y P. BERGER (eds.) (1998): Business and democracy. Londres, Cassell Academic.
DAHL, R. (1957): ôThe concept of powerö. Behavioral Science, 2, Nº 3 (julio), 201-15.
PARSONS, T. (1966): Estructura y proceso en las sociedades modernas. Madrid, Instituto de Estudios políticos.
PARSONS, T. (1956): ôSuggestions for a sociological approach to the Theory of Organizations.ö Administrative Science Quarterly, 1: 63-85, 225-39.
.- THEORY 1.- The organization as an object of study
2.- Theories of organization: Birth and foundations<> 3.- Theories of organization: Modern developments
4.- The organization as a system collaboration and conflict
5.- Social Conflict 6.- Social Power
7.- Decision taking in conflict resolution
8.-The aims of the organization
9.- Members and their workl
10.-Alienation at work
11.Organizational structure
12.- Influence of automatitzation on organizational structure
13.- formal structure and real structure: LÆorganització informal
14.- Organizational change
15.- The democracy issue in an organization
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