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12484 Occupational Health - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Prev. Medicine, Public Health, Food Sc.,Toxic. and For. Med.
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
The subject consists of a total duration of 7,5 credits, of them 6 credits will be developed in theoretical sessions and 1,5 credits in practical sessions. The attendance to the practical sessions is compulsory.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Calatayud A, Cortés C. Curso de Salud Laboral. Valencia: Editorial Tirant lo Blanch; 1997.
Benavides FG, Ruiz-Frutos C, García AM (editores). Salud laboral: conceptos y técnicas para la prevención de riesgos laborales. Barcelona: Masson; 1997 y 2000.
Castejón E, Chavarría R, Fernández de Pinedo I et al. Condiciones de trabajo y salud. Barcelona: Centro Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo; 1990.
Guasch J et al. Higiene industrial. Madrid: Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo; 1994.
Hernberg S. Introducción a la epidemiología ocupacional. Madrid: Díaz de Santos, 1995.
Merletti F, Olsen J, Vuylsteek K. Estudio de las causas de las enfermedades laborales. Introducción a la epidemiología laboral. B
The general objective of the program of Labour Health is that the future Graduate in Labor Relations will be able to incorporate into his professional life and in his management work of labour relations the aspects related with the prevention of labour risk and the protection and promotion of the health and well-being of his workers, in agreement with the upgraded knowledge that exists in this area. When concluding the matter, the student should be qualified for:

1) Understanding the relation between work conditions and health, as well as the negative effects on health and well-being of workers of the inadequate work conditions and the objectives and basic strategies of Labour Health for the prevention of labour risks.

2) Evaluate the impact, the causes and the consequences of the accidents and illnesses related with the work.

3) Identify the conditions of security in work centers and describe the security techniques in work directed to watch over and the risk of the prevention of labour risks.

4) Describe the functions and strategies of industrial hygiene and recognize and evaluate the risks related with the main chemical, physical and biological pollutants in work, knowing the main strategies for their prevention

5) Describe the functions and main objectives of the industrial medicine in connection with the prevention of labour risks, in particular the vigilance functions of health and the strategies of promot