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12481 Special Social Security Systems - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Labour and Social Security Law
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
BIBLIOGRAFIA (Teoria i pràctica):

-BLASCO LAHOZ, J. F. , LÓPEZ GANDÍA, J. y MOMPARLER CARRASCO, M. A. Regímenes Especiales de la Seguridad Social, Ed. Tirant Lo Blanch , Valéncia, 5ª ed., 2004.

-BLASCO LAHOZ,JF. y LACOMBA PÉREZ,FR. . Casos prácticos de Seguridad Social, Ed. Tirant Lo Blanch , València, 1ª ed., 2003.

LEGISLACIÓ (Teoria i pràctica):

- Código de la Seguridad Social. Ed. Aranzadi. Pamplona, 2003.

- Legislación de Seguridad Social. Ed. Tecnos. Barcelona, 2003.

-Leyes laborales y de Seguridad Social (anotadas y concordadas). Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. València, 2003.

The matter "Introduction to social psychology" is understood here as a basic theoretical module: their essential function, then, is that the students familiarize with some basic concepts and analysis tools that take them to acquire a psychosocial perspective from which contemplate the phenomena. [1] to acquire some basic notions about the way in which we perceive and interpret the behaviour of people and groups, as well as the errors and more common biases in this process.
[2] to understand the way in which the attitudes and social trials are formed and modified by means of social interaction. .

[3] to contemplate the processes of interpersonal interaction of as processes of reciprocal influence

[4] to acquire a global knowlegde of the main processes that take place inside the groups