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12470 History of Contemporary Labour Relations in Spain - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Early History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
EVALUATION:it will be realized a final exam
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
- CARR, Raymond, España, 1808-1975, Barcelona, Ariel, 1999.
- FUSI Y PALAFOX, España 1808-1996. El desafío de la Modernidad, Madrid, Espasa, 1997.
- ANGOUSTURES, Aline, Historia de España en el siglo XX, Barcelona, Ariel, 1995. (llega hasta 1993). - MUNIESA, Bernat, Dictadura y monarquía en España. De 1939 hasta la actualidad, Barcelona, Ariel, 1996 (llega hasta 1995).
- PEREZ PICAZO, Mª Teresa, Historia de España del siglo XX, Barcelona, Crítica, 1996. DIRECCIONES INTERNET

Medio Ambiente y ONGs
- http://www.greenpeace.es/
- http://www.proinco.net/staff/mogens/cambioglobal/indice.htlm (cambio climático)
- http://www.mct.gov.br/clima/e

PROGRAMME TOPIC I.The XIX-XX Centuries. The historical formation of the capitalist society in Spain. From the Bourgeois Revolution to the Civil War. TOPIC II. After the Civil War (1939). The Francoist Dictatorship . The International Cold War and the maintenance of the Francoist Regime up to 1975. TOPIC III. After Franco (1975). The Spanish political Transition to democracy, the world crisis and the position of Spain in the Economic World.