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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12467 Management Strategy Fundamentals - TICKET 509881, ID36263

Faculty of Social Sciences
Business Administration 'Juan José Renau Piqueras'
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
During the programmed theoretical sessions, the teacher will explain the proposed theoretical concepts encouraging and valuing students? commitment and participation. During the practical sessions, students must prepare and develop the proposed case studies as well as a supervised final teamwork.
Met. Avaluació
The final mark ten points are distributed as follow: theory 6 and practice 4. The theoretical contents will be assessed with a writing exam, multiple-choice and discussion questions. The practical part will be assessed through case studies development and teamwork assessment.

Cuervo,A.et al.(2001):Introducción a la Administración de Empresas, 4ª Edición,Civitas,Madrid.
Grant,R.M.(1996):Dirección Estratégica. Conceptos,técnicas y aplicaciones,Civitas,Madrid.
Johnson,G. y Scholes,K.(2001):Dirección Estratégica,5ª Edición, Prentice Hall,Madrid.
Menguzzato,M. y Renau,J.J.(1991):La Dirección Estratégica de la Empresa: Un Enfoque Innovador del Management,Ariel,Barcelona.
Navas,J. E. y Guerras,L.A.(1996):La Dirección estratégica de la Empresa,Teoría y Aplicaciones,Civitas,Madrid.
Strategor(1995):Estrategia,Estructura,Decisión,Identidad.Política General de la Empresa,Masson,Barcelona.
Porter,M. E.(1980):Competitive Strategy:Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors,Free Press, New York.Edición en castellano de 1988.
In order to develop the main goal of the subject the contents are structured in three parts with their specific objectives

PART I - Strategic Management Bases and Foundations
Chapter 1 - Strategic Management
Chapter 2 - Strategic Management as a Global Decision Making Process
Chapter 3 - Corporate Strategy

PART II - Strategic Analysis
Chapter 4 - The Environmental Analysis
Chapter 5 - The Internal Analysis
Chapter 6 - The Strategic Analysis Models

PART III -Strategic Choice
Chapter 7 - Design of business strategy: Strategic Options

The main goal of this subject is to introduce the student to the Strategic Management as a management system for the modern firm, both in the analytic and in the action sense. There are also goals related to the students? attitude and behavior, to teamwork capabilities development, to information technologies, and to communication skills development.
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