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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

12459 Economy of the Valencian Country - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Economic Structure
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
In the Labour Relations Diploma the program will be developed through three weekly hours of class. They will be 4 1/2 credits.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Cada tema tiene un listado bibliográfico básico que permite prepararlo suficientemente. Sin embargo, es recomendable seguir las explicaciones de clase porque permite al alumno seguir la materia con un hilo conductor más preciso y, también, con contenidos más actualizados.

En todo caso hay textos útiles para el seguimiento de la asignatura. Por ejemplo:

· Lluch, E. (2001): La via valenciana, Afers, Catarroja (con ôIntroducciónö y ôEpilogoö de V. Soler)

· AAVV (2001): Comunidad Valenciana, Revista Situación, serie estudios regionales, Servicio de Estudios BBVA, Madrid.

· Reig, E. y Picazo, A.J. (1997): Capitalización y crecimiento de la Economia Valenciana 1955-1995, Fundación BBV, Madrid.

En cualquier caso, se f


Basic orientations for students of the subject Economy of the Pais Valenciano (or Economic Analysis of the Pais Valenciano) of the University of Valencia (Plan 2000).

1. - Content of the course

The subject seeks to complete the knowledge of the most significant economic realities for the students. In other matters one has the opportunity to know the fundamental analytic instruments of the Applied Economy. Now, with this subject, the students meet with their more immediate economic environment. One can deepen in the characteristics and the economic and social agents' behavior that surround us as well as in the conditioning factors of the economic dynamics of that reality in which we are immersed Also, they will study the activity of the three administrations with economic responsibilities about this reality: the Generalitat, the Spanish Government and the European Union.

The didactic plan seeks to make an analysis of the valencian economy from macroeconomic logic. This way, after the first three lessons that make up the global framework dedicated to the aspects of a general view regarding the evolution and characterization of the economy as to the territorial and environmental aspects - the subject contains, on one hand, topics that affect the productive offer and, on the other hand, those linked to increased demand.

In the first case, the quarter topic is devoted to the work factor, while t