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12450 Social Security Law I - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Labour and Social Security Law
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Written exam at the end of the theory-practice sessions
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -

- BLASCO LAHOZ, J.F. y LÓPEZ GANDÍA, J. Y AA.VV.: Seguridad Social práctica. Edit. Tirant Lo Blanch. Valencia, 2000.

- FERRER LÓPEZ, M.A.: Cómo calcular las pensiones de Seguridad Social. Edit. Deusto, 2000.

- PAMPLIEGA FERNÁNDEZ, J.C. y ORELLANA GARCÍA, J.Mª: Casos prácticos de Seguridad Social. Edit. Centro de Estudios Financieros. Junio, 2000.

LEGISLACIÓ (part pràctica)

- Código de la Seguridad Social. Edit. Aranzadi. Pamplona, 2001.

- Legislación de Seguridad Social. Edit. Tecnos. Barcelona, 2001.

- Legislación Social Básica. Edit. Civitas. 2001.

Studying this subject will give the necessary knowledge related to the normative and the fundamental institutions that make up the Spoanish national Insurance system: structure, field of application, payment of dues, benefits. These will be imparted via theory and practical sessions that will teach students the legal bases as well as problem solving through their application.