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12446 Public Policy Analysis - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Approximately 50 % of the classes will continue the
format of a magisterial class. The rest will consist of dynamics of
work and collective discussion.
Met. Avaluació
10 %: participation in the classes. 40 % will
derive from concrete questionnaires that will do along the course. 50
% remainder wib be obtined by a final exercise where throughout one
week the student will have to apply his knowledge for a reasoned and
concrete analysis of a case.
Gascó Hernández, Milagros (2003):L’avaluació de polítiques públiques culturals. Escola d’Aministració Pública de Catalunya.
Goma, R. y Subirats, J. (1998). Políticas públicas en España: contenidos, redes de actores y niveles de gobierno. Barcelona: Ariel
Grau, Mireia, Mateos, Araceli (2002): Análisis de las Políticas Públicas en España: enfoques y casos Edit Tirant lo Blanch.Valencia.
Meny, Ives, Thoening, J.Claude (1992): Las Políticas Públicas. Edit Ariel. Barcelona.
Jordán Galduf, J.M, Antuñano Maruri, I –coord.-(2003): Política económica: Fundamentos, Objetivos e Instrumentos. Edit Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia.
Navarro, V. (2002). Bienestar insuficiente, democracia incompleta. Anagrama. Barcelona.
Dye, T. R. (2002). Understanding Public Policy.
Functions of the public sector, an approach from the
economic perspective. The levels of Government. The institutional
framework of the politics. The agenda setting Implementation of public
policies. Public policies evaluation. New public policies in Knowledge
The aim of the module consists of endowing the student of the necessary skills to evaluate with criterion, the logic, the justifications and the procedures of the public policies. It tries to study in depth the knowledge on the structure, the dimension the levels and the functioning of the public sector. Also of the philosophical background that sustains his existence, as mechanism of allocation and distribution of collective resources. The methodological approach will be basically that from the Economic Science but incorporates also analysis of the Sociology and Political Science
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