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12436 Psychology of Language - Three-year degree in Speech Therapy

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Basic Psychology
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Lectures and practical activities.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Berko, J. Bernstein, N. (1999). Psicolingüistica. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Belinchon, M., Riviere, A., Igoa, M. (1992). Psicología del lenguaje. Madrid: Trotta.
1. Introduction 2. Perception of speech. 3. Lexical processing. 4. Sentence processing 5. Text and speech procesing. 6. Language production 7. Bilingualism 8. Practical activities. OBJECTIVES: To understand psychological processes implied in language processing, both written and oral, in normal adults.