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12411 Language, Speech and Voice Evaluation and Diagnosis - Three-year degree in Speech Therapy

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Basic Psychology
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Lectures and practical sessions in computer lab.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Puyuelo, M., Rondal, J.A., Wiig, E.H. (2000). Evaluación del lenguaje. Barcelona: Masson ; Sataloff, R.T. (1993). La voz humana. Investigación y ciencia, mayo, 56-64.
1. Introduction to vocal, speech and language evaluation. 2. Vocal anatomy and physiology. 3. Physical vocal characteristics. 4. Exploration process. 5. Instrumentation and computer applications. 6. Production of speech. 7. Evaluation of speech. 8. General aspects of language evaluation. 9. Study of spontaneous language 10. Practical activities. OBJECTIVES: To provide theoretical basis of speech, voice and language evaluation, in order to be able to adapt techniques and evaluation procedures to a variety of situations.