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12402 Anatomy of Hearing and Speech Organs - Three-year degree in Speech Therapy

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Human Anatomy and Embryology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
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Lectures and laboratoty practical training.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Guyton y Hall (1996). Fisiología Médica. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Le Huche, F. Y Allali, A. (1993). La voz. Tomo I. Anatomía y fisiología de la voz y el habla. Barcelona: Masson Rodriguez, S. Y Smith Agreda, J.M. (1998). Anatomía de los órganos del lenguaje, visión y audición. Editorial Panamericana.
1. Introduction. 2. Development of the head and neck. 3. Nose and nasal cavities. 4. Larynx 5. Vocal muscles. 6. Respiratory tract. 7. Muscles that intervene in breathing. 8. Buccal cavity. 9. Language. 10. Pharynx. 11. Auditory Organ: external, middle and internal ear. 12. Central and peripheral nervous system development. 13. Somatic-sensorial and motor tracts. OBJECTIVES: To promote understanding of the structural and functional organization of peripheral and central structures involved in language and audition.